Where is the Carburetor on a Lawn Mower?

How to Find and Identify Your Mower’s Carburetor

The location of the carburetor of your mower’s engine can vary depending on the type of lawn mower you have. The carburetor is a part of lawn mower’s engine. Usually, it is bolted to the side of the engine. It is connected to its gas tank, and will usually be located just below or behind the lawn mower’s air filter. Many lawn mower manufacturers make the air filter housing easily accessible and easy to identify so that owners can change out the filter as part of their annual maintenance. Find the air filter and your mower’s carburetor will be the next part of your mower’s engine, right behind it.

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How to Replace the Carburetor in a Riding Mower

If you are looking for the lawn mower’s carburetor, you are most likely trying to fix or replace it. The best advice we can give you is to watch existing YouTube videos like this one so you can follow along.

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